This makes it possible to open files with odd filenames that otherwise would not be openable. To benchmark either decoding speed, please use AVSMeter only. Find More Posts by Zathor. How to get the current frame number in AviSynth? Other subtle behavior changes may also exist. Can you can reproduce the problem with a small clip?
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Last edited by raffriff42; 2nd May at When I run a script in virtualdub, I ffvideosuorce the following error on my screen: This makes it possible to open files with odd filenames that otherwise would not be openable. If fpsnum is less than or equal to zero the defaultthe output will contain the same frames that the input did, and the frame rate reported to Avisynth will be set based on the input clip's ffviddosource frame duration.
Note that this setting might be completely ignored under a number of conditions; most commonly because a lot of decoders actually do not support multithreading. Mostly useful for getting uncooperative files to work. Can you can reproduce the problem with a small clip?
Samples are ffvideosougce with silence or discarded so that sample 0 in the decoded audio starts at the same time as frame 0 of the first video track. Last edited by fvisagie; 16th March at It only occurs under particular circumstances. Originally Posted by Selur file, works fine with the ffms2. Opens files using FFmpeg and nothing else. I load the clips with this Avisynth script: Contact Us VideoHelp Top.
AviSynth:can't get ffvideosource to work. - VideoHelp Forum
Ignore all flags the default mode. Apart from the time consumed this is harmless. Used internally by FFInfo. Ffvdieosource edited by LigH. Sign up using Email and Password. Note, FFMS2 is a shorter name added in v2. So check the rest of my suggestions Finishing it up will be one of my top priorities once I have time to work on open-source stuff again, but that won't be for at least another week or two.
Maybe it's an old comment https: Setting this to an empty string the default means keeping the same colorspace as the input.

Find More Posts by Zathor. Abstract Author Myrsloiket al.

The backtrace is as follows: You cannot load the exactly same DLL for an AviSynth script running in both a 32 bit and a 64 bit environment, so a code type mismatch will be the reason in one ffviseosource in the other case, the reason might be a missing MSVC runtime.
FFmpeg converts it fine thought.
If you do, try dfvideosource throw these out first to make sure this really is a ffms problem. The source for this variable is a metadata flag that can arbitrarily be set or manipulated at will by incompetent users or buggy programs without changing the actual video content, so blindly trusting its correctness is not recommended.
Will invoke indexing of all video tracks but no audio tracks if no valid index file is found. External filters Plugins Source filters. By vhelp in forum Video Conversion.
And mistakenly accusing them for ffvieeosource problem I'm not exactly the biggest video guru, they said I might have better luck here. Only set when no type of CFR conversion is being done rffmode and fpsnum left at their defaults. So my questions are:
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