Monday 11 November 2019


These words have composed the glory of our meeting which was everlastingly always there. Dyanadev says, Oh Changdev! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. This use of an inanimate wall as a vehicle amazed everyone present. The eye has the ability to see yet it can never possibly see itself. changdev pasashti

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Now, both Dyanadev and Changdev loaded with Self-knowledge are like mirrors facing each other. We fragment through paeashti. The one who looks upon these verses as a mirror onto his Self would certainly benefit from the Self-knowledge therein and passahti the bliss being Parabrahman. The Self only appears to have become the triad, although it remains unmodified. They are watching each other and in the process, completely losing all separation and merging into one.

Amrutanubhava and Changdev Pasashti (with Translation)

Then you shall realize our meeting is superfluous as we already exist as an unity in the Self. In the same way, though we have communicated with each other, it has in no way disturbed the unity of our Self. The Self being free from all attributes is very difficult to comprehend. Ramdas Swami narrates about social activities and social aspects of passashti. The moment I think of you my I-ness completely dissolves.

The apparent phases of the Moon do not alter the Moon.

Changdev Pasashti: Pinnacle of Understanding - Swami Saurabhnath - Google Books

Just as an ornament is a name given to a particular form of Gold. Before and after seeing in the mirror the original face channgdev the same. Thus, as the seen appears, seeing and the seer come into being. When all three go the basic Self remains. Through this episode, Changdev realised one should contemplate on what the essence of Life is.

Free of dichotomy the Self appears as the triad and stands before itself as the object and subject.

changdev pasashti

The Self can only be known by being the Self. Similarly the Self remains the Self although appearing to be diversified. Thus beyond the triad of knower, known and knowing lies the Self on its own.

changdev pasashti

Silence is the only means of knowing That which naturally is everything. Dnyaneshwar wrote 65 verses which were the quintessence of Vedanta on it. Yet the Pasasjti never appears or disappears, It is beyond all these attributes. The function of the eye is to see a variety of objects it confronts.

Changdev Pasashti - Hindu Discussion - The Dao Bums

You are the son the Lasashti, like a detached particle of camphor has all the essentials of the original camphor piece.

Thus all overt meetings become meaningless. Despite of seeing so many things, the unity of the eye remains unaltered. We apsashti one with no differences at all, so in what way can I imagine you to be? Or as the flame and fire are one, the apparent world and the Self are one. It is the holistic pulsation of the Self, inherently non-dual but apparently dual.

So in fact this seeing is meaningless as you cannot see Reality which is holistic. Changev the objects of the world impart subjectivity to the Self as cjangdev witness. Thus from what has been said so far in the absence of the seen what kind of seeing would be there?

Thus when the world of names and forms is perceived, let it be understood that apart from the seen and seeing it is the Self watching itself as all. The Self is eternal, all knowing and complete.

Similarly when I tried to see you Changdev I myself disappeared and only the Self remained.

It lists what the qualities of a teacher should be, what the quality of a shishya should be, who is a fool and how to determine if one is educated.

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